The Gamut Stage Door Ensemble was created to foster collaboration among local theatre artists and to encourage the production of theatrical works that meet the Stage Door mission—that is, to explore the relationship between classic stories and modern expectations by developing fresh approaches to traditional themes, mindfully challenging theatrical conventions, supporting local artists, and connecting with our audience.
Each season, the Stage Door Series strives to complement and build upon Gamut’s mainstage work through the presentation of engaging and educational workshop productions that highlight the essential elements of theatre: the text, the story, the actor, and the action. Our aim is to offer accessible theatrical experiences, to reach new audiences, and to involve new members of the arts community—maybe that means you!
In the past, the Stage Door Series has included not just familiar plays but also radio theatre, staged readings, original works by local playwrights, poetry collections, and combat showcases. This year, we’re excited to showcase a brand new play in January and to present an evening of upended expectations in the spring.
While the Stage Door Series maintains the professional theatrical standard of Gamut Theatre, all participation in Stage Door productions is volunteer, and admission for every production is by donation only, as defined by our motto: “Come as you are; pay what you will.”