So, there I was. Desperately preparing to chew for me and Meliss what I’d just bitten off. The Popcorn Hat Players (not yet under the umbrella of Gamut) had committed to producing a scenically minimal, small cast version of Midsummer… Say… seven actors and six cubes for levels to sit and stand on. I had some small experience playing in Shakespeare, but I’d never directed any of his work (or really anything outside of kid’s shows, a couple of Chekhov one acts, and some scene studies in college,) and so I had no idea or inclination of directing this one. As I’d stated earlier, my friend, previous director, and former tour-mate, Tommy Hensel, was about to complete a Masters of Fine Arts degree from the University of South Carolina in cooperation and residency at The Shakespeare Theater in Washington, DC. Melissa and I had been in touch with him, and he said he would be excited to come up and direct the show.
Read moreFrom the Director | Clark Nicholson’s Notes on Free Shakespeare in the Park: Hamlet
WELCOME BACK TO RESERVOIR PARK! We’re so glad to again gather with you under the open sky to share one of William Shakespeare’s most beloved stories. Because of the pandemic, we missed seeing you last year, and we are very pleased to once again bring you our yearly rite of Summer!
Read moreHow We Came to Run the Gamut By Clark Nicholson Chapter 6: “A Meeting at the Mansion”
When I was a kid, there was a trend amongst all of us young’uns to tell very silly “Elephant Jokes” and one that always stuck with me was, “How do you eat an Elephant Sundae?” and the answer is “One bite at a time.” So, in the spirit of that silly little bit of 2nd Grade wisdom, I’m coming back with the next chapter of our Gamut history…. with some explanation about why it’s been so long in coming. I developed a bad case of “white page syndrome” that writers talk about. In other words, I just couldn’t start, and I know why.
Every year that passes brings new gifts and also losses, which make us reflect all the more on those precious and foundational relationships from the past. This year Gamut marked the passing of three very different, but equally dear friends and company members. We’d like to take this opportunity to share our love and our loss with you.
Read moreHow We Came to Run the Gamut - By Clark Nicholson - Chapter 5: “…What Happens When You’re Making Other Plans”
Hello, all… I’m very sorry that this chapter of our Gamut History is so long in coming. To be frank, I have been so caught up in current events that, looking back with focus and clarity, have not been quite so easy of late. However, I’m stepping back in here with the intention of continuing this story of the past, to help us remember where we came from as we attempt to bravely face what will surely be a challenging (but also hopefully very abundant) future for us all.
Read moreHow We Came to Run the Gamut - By Clark Nicholson - Chapter 4: Come Pick Out Your Space
So there here we were, my new wife and I, in Central Pennsylvania. I’d briefly toured through here several years before with another two-person outfit, and we’d visited Melissa’s family previously, both before and after we got married. So, I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the place, but now it was to be my home…
Read moreMore Than a Little Help From Our Friends - By Melissa Nicholson, Gamut Theatre Executive Director
We are in Week 7 of Working from Home. It never occured to me that a functional theatre company could successfully work from home, but here we are. My husband and Gamut Co-Founder/Artistic Director, Clark, and I are hunkered down in Millersburg, PA. It's a small town located in northern Dauphin County in South Central PA, about a 35-minute drive from downtown Harrisburg. Pennsylvania has always been its own microcosm of the nation itself, with thriving cities such as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg; as well as beautiful wide-open spaces and sparsely-populated farmland, mountains, and rural areas….
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